I searched through my room and this book "appeared" to me. I haven't opened a book until last night when decided that I needed to stop thinking so much and just.read. Probably a lot, but only in one 25 minute chunk at a time.

In thinking about the emails that I need to write and the calls I need to return, I've had a small existential crisis about the number of times I've written 'circle back' and 'per my last email' and how many more times I'll write them in my career. Unfortunately, I am not independently wealthy and therefore need this job that I mostly enjoy except sending emails to "follow up on what we discussed" and that we'll "circle back in a few weeks" to see how things progress. I'm at the beginning of a long week and the idea of summarizing another meeting into a follow-up email makes me want to pack up and move somewhere that doesn't have follow-up emails. Isn't everything more manageable in 25 minute chunks? It's a Monday and I can still taste the molasses cookie my coworker offered me when I went to ask her a question.

I break my days up into 25 minute chunks in order to not feel overwhelmed. I am sitting at my desk at work, sneaking a moment to read as a reward for completing 25 minutes of uninterrupted work.